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Environmental and social policy

Hoteles Villa integrates social responsibility at all levels of its strategic management, aiming to offer sustainable and high-quality services. Its corporate strategy is based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, promoting the circular economy and carbon footprint offsetting in its tourism activities.

Management Principles

· Good Corporate Governance: Ethical and transparent practices in all aspects of the business.

· Sustainable Innovation: Continuous improvement of processes and services with respect for the environment and people.

· Positive Work Environment: Promotion of professional development, equal opportunities, and diversity.

· Local Development: Support for the social and economic development of the surrounding community.

· Environmental Commitment: Rational use of resources and sustainable growth.

Commitment to the Environment

Hoteles Villa recognizes the importance of a healthy environment for the future of tourism and is committed to sustainability at all stages of its business cycle. Its measures include:

· Energy Efficiency: Use of double glazing, automatic air conditioning control systems, and modulating thermostats. Home automation systems for monitoring internal electricity consumption to optimize systems and save energy.

· Renewable Energy: Our hotels are equipped with thermal solar panels that provide guests with hot water.

· Water Management: Efficient irrigation systems, use of softened water, flow reducers in faucets and showers, and usage control in facilities.

· Waste Reduction: Preference for products with minimal packaging and proper waste management. Biodegradable or 100% recyclable single-use items.

· Integration with the Environment: Reduction of paved areas, use of native plants, and maintenance of green spaces.

· Design for Durability and Reuse: Products are designed to last longer, be easily repaired, and be reused or disassembled into components that can be reused.

· Environmental Awareness: Promotion of sustainable practices among guests and protection of natural habitats.

People Management

Customer satisfaction is fundamental for Hoteles Villa, achieved through exceptional service. The success of this service depends on the commitment of its employees, who are offered support in their well-being and personal development.

In summary, Hoteles Villa focuses on exceeding customer expectations through a comprehensive approach that includes social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and employee care.

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